“Emotional Benefits”: Not the one you’re thinking about!

“Emotional Benefits”: Not the one you’re thinking about
The concept of Emotional benefits is important, firstly because it impacts our lives daily and secondly because it can be applied to companies not only to sell products but during recruitment.
The “Emotional Benefit”, what is this?
Often related to a product or a service, the emotional benefit is the feeling conveyed when a client buys from a specific brand. It is known that brands build an image to influence positively and cognitively the potential buyers. Indeed, a client buys a product or service because of a real need or a need created by the market. Often buyers identify themselves to the mission statement, marketing campaign and values of the brands.
This is how in our daily lives as consumers we are influenced by the emotional benefit of a brand. Note that this article won’t discuss the good and bad of the marketing strategies to make you buy.
What is the Emotional benefit when it comes to recruitment?
A few weeks ago, I had a seminar in Kuala Lumpur to introduce the importance of talent retention in a challenging time for the OceanX yearly conference. I received very interesting feedback from the audience, one of them was saying: “I often tell my director the importance of the emotional benefit”. I loved the term emotional benefit and decided to write an article about it. This term describes one of the purposes of Ceicia. Support the companies to make their employees feel valued.
Firstly, I’d like to start with the impact of the brand image and how it impacts positively or negatively their recruitment.
Brands like L’Oréal, Hermès or Longchamp are prestigious worldwide. They represent different markets and customer types however those brands are renowned by most individuals even though they don’t necessarily have the buying power. There’s a certain prestige working for those labels; a sense of belonging and honour.
It is interesting to see how a brand image can influence the recruitment process, either facilitate it or not. The positive brand image is part of the Emotional Benefit, are the employees proud to mention they work for your company? Do they speak positively about your brand?
This topic is important for a few reasons:
- Employees are your champions and participate in building your brand image
- A good brand image facilitates the recruitment of qualitative staff
- Make people want to work for you
- Increase the brand’s Emotional Benefit
Once the individual is part of the company, how do you maintain a positive brand image internally and high emotional benefit for staff?
One of the main factors too often overlooked is the employee turnover rate, how high is yours? In China and Hong Kong, the employee turnover rate is around 30%, which is too high to optimize a company’s efficiency. The health of the company can be determined by its employee turnover rate.
- How much does it cost to find, recruit and train a new employee?
- How does the departure of an employee impact the department he/she worked for?
- How does the departure impact the other departments?
- How does the departure impact the client?
- What is the monetary loss of an employee leaving you?
- It can destabilize an entire corporation especially if the position was key. It is normal to have employees leaving, what is abnormal is the high turnover rate.
There are different stages of choosing a company to work for; it depends on the age, experience, knowledge and career desires. These criteria evolve through the years, which changes the landscape for recruitment.
Companies usually publish a job description explaining what they are looking for and some of the benefits they offer. Most of the time those benefits are purely monetary. Indeed, the salary reflects largely the choice of an employee to join a company however more variables should be explored.
Before signing a contract, it is hard to know what the company really is in daily operation. The values, image and mission statement displayed on the website or introduced during the interview do not always matching the reality. The reality is only discovered when starting the job and evolving daily in the company.
Have you found out the real reason why your employees are leaving you?
Ceicia supports companies in aligning their values, and long-term projects with the Emotional Benefits employees need. This ensures your company to optimize its resources to thrive and increase its return on investment.
Contact us for a first approach, Ceicia offers different possibilities to start your journey toward continuous improvement, retain your staff and see results. Bring passion, success and harmony to your company. A new way of cooperation and harmonization for global awareness to improve people’s happiness & and the company’s results.
Stay tuned. Ceicia publishes one article per month, related to different subjects.
Ceicia’s founder