The concept of “Long-term temporary” by Ceicia

The concept of “Long-term Temporary” may seem confusing.
What does “Long-term Temporary” mean? At first glance, the two words seem contradictory. However, upon reflection, they may not be so different after all. In a rapidly changing world, it can be difficult to plan for the long-term without taking a temporary approach. How can we develop a long-term vision without considering temporary solutions?
Indeed, the concept is based on a long-term goal that can be achieved only if you are flexible enough to adapt to your environment and the changes. I started approaching life with this concept when I moved to China in 2012. Most of my acquaintances kept asking me : “For how long will you be staying in China ?”. I have to admit it, I wasn’t able to give a clear answer. As long as I felt happy with my life and my conditions there, why should I leave? That was the biggest question. Why Should you leave a place where you feel home ?
“What is your process for making a decision? You may go through steps such as weighing the pros and cons, evaluating the environment, and asking others for their ideas on the subject before making a decision. The decision-making process can be characterized by many adjectives depending on the context, such as long, fastidious, quick, or even urgent.
How do you weigh the impact of your decision on the long-term vision?”
“If things go well in your life; within your company why would you think temporary ? It is specifically when everything goes well that you should actually wonder, why not bring this temporary approach into your long-term strategy ? ”
The temporary approach is useful when you want to ensure that you’re prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. For instance, if you encounter problems with a supplier, logistics, process, a collaborator on sick leave, or a sudden crisis. What would you do if your primary source of revenue or production is unable to function? Would you consider halting the operation or do you have a backup plan or strategy in place?
When it comes to achieving your main goal or vision, taking a long-term approach is crucial. When you first started your company, you probably had a plan and a clear idea of where you wanted to go and why. This plan is essentially your company’s goal or life goal. However, as you navigate through the ups and downs of life, remember that all things are temporary and subject to external factors that you can’t control.
It’s important to be ready for anything, and that’s where the concept of “long-term temporary” comes into play. By keeping your long-term plan in mind, you can make temporary decisions that will help you weather any storm.
Ceicia’s founder