“Talent retention in challenging time” – OceanX annual conference in Kuala Lumpur

Nov 18, 2023 | Leadership

“Talent retention in challenging time” – By Ceicia – OceanX annual conference in Kuala Lumpur Grand Hyatt.

We wish to thank Mr Ruben Huber from OceanX Network for inviting the founder of Ceicia, Miss Cécile Lammer to discuss an important topic of talent retention.

The people-oriented oriented management is a topic too often overlooked by companies. Looking at figures is important because every company needs revenue. However forgetting that without people a company cannot grow is missing a big piece of the cake. “

We spend 80% of our time at work, if we are in an environment that we are not comfortable with there’s a high chance it impacts efficiency and so the results of the corporation. The stress follows us everywhere we go. It impacts our actions and the people around us.

Bringing wholesomeness to your business will positively impact your company’s ecosystem; and improve talent retention. It is like a natural ecosystem, if nature is unbalanced dysfunctions appear. Your company is similar. The more dysfunctions the more the impact on the people, results, efficiency and image. It is a vicious circle that needs to be stopped and transformed into a virtuous circle. Understanding our environment is key. I am not talking only about your competition and the market you are in. There is much more to succeed.

Recently I saw this short video about the technique of the 3 sisters. The technic is related to gardening. The technique of the 3 sisters is a secret from the Mayas to multiply by 3 their food production. The concept is easy and makes sense.

They plant 3 seeds together for specific reasons :

1- The corn creates a stake for the beans to grow.
2- The squash grows near the ground and in between the corn and beans which provide excellent protection for their roots. The squash protects from dryness and adventice.
3- The bean helps to keep the nitrogen in the soil, which makes a great fertilizer for corn and squash.

This combination is very smart and simple, it brings harmony into the garden, improving the life of the plants and participating to their growth in a more sustainable way.
The goal of Ceicia is to do the same in your company. You’ll naturally keep your talents, clients and revenues.

Bring harmony to your company to create wholesome. Learn to observe your environment and make the most of it. This will benefit everyone.

Cécile Lammer from Ceicia specialises in improving talent retention in challenging times and diving into harmony and wholesomeness as key success factors for companies today.

So how do you keep your talent interested and motivated?


Contact us for a first approach, Ceicia offers different possibilities to start your journey toward continuous improvement, retain your staff and see results. Bring passion, success and harmony to your company. A new way of cooperation and harmonization for global awareness to improve people’s happiness & and the company’s results.

Stay tuned. Ceicia publishes one article per month, related to different subjects.

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Ceicia’s founder